In the first part, Damián and Nico, two 18-year-old boys, were forced to work together on a biology project, which revealed an unexpected connection between them. However, the apparent truce was brief. During the first few days after their encounter, Damián did not behave like the usual bully at school. However, his friends, noticing the change, began to tease him. "What's up, Damián? Are you Nico's boyfriend now?" they asked, laughing. Damián, annoyed and embarrassed, vehemently denied it.... (Gay stories.)
Damián had always been the undisputed leader of his group in school. At just 19 years old, his athletic body and defiant attitude made him the boy everyone feared and secretly admired. His presence was imposing, and his smile, although rare, hid a dangerous edge. Despite his dominant character, there was something in his life that had always left him restless, a void he didn't know how to fill. On the other hand, Nico was the complete opposite. At 18, his small stature and round glasses made h... (Gay stories.)
Roba interior - Relatos eróticos gay
Xtudr és el xat per a gais fetitxistes definitiu. Troba fàcilment milers de nois de la teva ciutat que comparteixen els teus mateixos gustos i gaudeix enviant i rebent missatges en directe.
La xarxa nº1 de trobades entre nois us ofereix una experiència ràpida, fàcil, i divertida amb la qual podreu conèixer molta gent nova.
Amb Xtudr podràs:
- Llegir els millors relats gai.
- Crear un perfil amb les teves fotos i afegir les teves preferències.
- Veure els perfils i fotografies d'altres usuaris.
- Enviar i rebre missatges sense límits.
- Utilitzar els filtres de cerca per trobar la teva mitja taronja.
- Enviar i rebre Taps als que més t'agraden.
Registra't a l'app fetitxista i BDSM més popular i comença la teva aventura.